DAS KNIE - Your knee specialist from Vienna
Your knee specialist Vienna
The human knee is not only the largest but also the most complex joint in the body. The knee is a complex joint that allows flexion and extension of the leg. It consists of the lower end of the thigh bone (femur) meeting the upper end of the shin bone (tibia) and the kneecap (patella). The knee is held together by a series of ligaments, tendons and muscles.
Do you have a knee injury and are looking for a specialist? Then you are exactly right with me!

My specialization: knee injuries
To restore injured knees to full function requires technology, understanding of physics and mechanics. For me as a knee specialist in Vienna, the knee is a technical masterpiece and one of the exciting areas of orthopedics – a highly efficient machine with countless components, connections, gadgets and functions. It’s all about unerringly turning the right screw so that everything works smoothly. And that’s what I’ve been doing with passion as a knee specialist for 20 years.
Your contact for knee problems
I am your contact for all questions concerning the treatment of knee problems. As a physician and passionate orthopedist in Vienna with a focus on therapy of all types of knee pain, from cruciate ligament rupture to patellar luxation and all operations that affect the knee joint. My comprehensive care is ensured in my surgery in Vienna. There I will take care of your injury and propose a suitable therapy concept.
Your Knee Specialist Vienna – For appointments I am available in my surgery in Vienna during surgery hours at any time!
My focus is the knee
Within the framework of my specialization and my many years of experience, I can offer my patients a very broad spectrum of therapies for the treatment of knee joint, meniscus tear, cruciate ligament replacement or cruciate ligament tear, implantation as well as interventions for all types of knee pain.
My treatment spectrum
There are many different diseases and conditions that can affect the knee joint. Here you will find an overview of treatment options for your knee problems!
Treatment for meniscus injuries (meniscus surgery)
The meniscus is a crescent-shaped piece of cartilage that acts as a shock absorber between the bones in the knee joint. It also helps distribute weight evenly across the joints and prevents bones from rubbing against each other.
Typically, one injures the meniscus when the knee is under load in full extension or flexion and then additionally twisted. If the meniscus is injuredIf the meniscus is injured, this leads to pain and blockages and, if you do nothing about it for a longer period of time, to ongoing wear and tear of the joint (arthrosis).
Meniscus tear is one of my main focuses in treating knee problems.
Treatment for cruciate ligament injuries
Cruciate ligament surgery
The cruciate ligaments are the central pillars of stability of the knee joint. The cruciate ligaments make the roll-slide mechanism of the knee possible at all. A cruciate ligament tear is very painful. Under certain conditions, it is possible to live with a torn ACL.
However, this is especially difficult for people with an active lifestyle. For me as a knee specialist, surgery for a torn cruciate ligament is a procedure – which for me as a knee specialist with years of experience – is performed with the highest level of competence and precision in Vienna.
Treatment for cartilage injuries
Hyaline cartilage is the sliding surface that makes painless and frictionless movement in a joint possible in the first place. If the cartilage is injured or worn, this is often recognized by crunching, creaking or cracking noises in the knee joint – pain and chronic inflammation are the result of insulted cartilage.
There are different treatments depending on the depth, size and location of the cartilage damage. Diagnosis of cartilage injury or damage is made by comprehensive examination of the knee joint. Whether an operation by means of arthroscopy or another therapy is carried out is decided during a visit to my surgery in Vienna. A prompt appointment is highly recommended for knee joint pain to avoid possible surgery.
Treatment for patellar luxation
With the kneecap, it’s all a question of the stability of the joint. Only when the kneecap functions properly can we extend and bend our knee without pain.
The kneecap, or patella, refers to a flat, disc-shaped bone that lies in front of the joint of the knee, in whose articular surfaces it participates and thus protects it. During flexion and extension movements of the knee, the kneecap slides through a guide groove of the femur. However, an unfortunate twisting motion or a sideways push can cause it to jump out of this channel. If this occurs, it is called a patellar luxation. This can happen during sports and also in everyday life and cause a pain. With the help of your orthopedist, you can get rid of the stress of knee injuries.
Treatment for leg malposition
X- and bow legs are congenital in most cases. However, posttraumatic deformity can also occur after specific injuries such as a fracture of the tibial plateau. Both bowlegs and knock-knees – medically known as genuvalgum and genuvarum – can now be surgically treated very well by a knee specialist using a osteotomy or leg straightening can be treated.
As an experienced knee surgeon, I will take care of your concerns and address your needs individually!
Artificial knee joint for osteoarthritis
Knee joint arthrosis
is, in simple terms, the wear and tear of the knee joint. There are a variety of causes for this – in most cases, several interact: Untreated injuries to the meniscus, cartilage and ligaments, overloading due to malpositions, as well as genetic predisposition, age, overweight and exercise habits.
In summary, osteoarthritis is the result of “treated my joints too badly for too long.” Are you looking for help in the treatment of osteoarthritis? There are many therapies that only a specialized orthopedist can perform. One possible option is knee replacement. Visit me in my office in Vienna and make an appointment.
The Baker cyst
The cause of swelling, pain or an unpleasant feeling of tightness in the back of the knee can in many cases be a so-called Baker’s cyst. A Baker’s cyst, also called a popliteal cyst, is a fluid-filled swelling that forms behind the knee.
Treatment for Baker’s cysts often includes exercises to strengthen the muscles around the affected area, rest and icing of the affected area, and physical therapy. Learn more about Baker’s cysts and their treatment!
The Runner's Knee | Runner's Knee
Knee pain, especially pain on the outside of the knee joint, can often be the symptoms of runner’s knee. Runner’s knee (also called ITBS = Iliotibial band syndrome or tractus iliotibialis syndrome) occurs preferentially in runners or operators of running-intensive sports (e.g., soccer) and is considered one of the most common causes of complaints on the outside of the knee. But what is a so-called runner’s knee, where does the pain come from and above all, what can you do about it? We clarify these and other questions below.
Treatment of lateral ligament tears of the knee
Ligament injuries in the knee joint are primarily thought of as injuries or ruptures of the anterior cruciate ligament. This is certainly not only the most prominent and common, but also the most affected. However, in addition to the anterior cruciate ligament, there are other important anatomical ligament structures in the knee joint: the posterior cruciate ligament and the two so-called collateral ligaments, the outer collateral ligament of the knee or lateral collateral ligament (often referred to simply as LCL), and the inner collateral ligament or medial collateral ligament (often referred to simply as MCL).
Injuries to the collateral ligaments can occur in isolation, but also as combination injuries. In the following article, I will explain how this happens and, above all, how to treat lesions in an emergency.

Your knee specialist from Vienna - Visit me in my surgery
I am a knee specialist and can help you with any knee problems. I have a wealth of experience treating all types of knee problems and can help you resume your normal activities as soon as possible.
Fortunately, I have already been able to treat many satisfied patients, which is why I am one of the leading experts for knee problems in Vienna!
Sports traumatology - my specialty
Through my years of experience in the treatment of sports injuries, I bring the necessary expertise to suggest individual treatment methods and also perform them myself. Whether through conservative therapy or knee surgery – together we will find the most suitable treatment approach for you to be able to fully resume your sporting activities.

The anatomy of the knee
The anatomy of the knee is complex, as it is an articulated joint between the thigh bone (femur), the shin bone (tibia) and the kneecap (patella). The knee joint enables movements such as flexion, extension and slight rotations. Here are the main components of the anatomy of the knee:
The kneecap, also known as the patella, is a small, flat bone that lies in front of the knee joint and guides the tendon of the quadriceps muscle across the front of the knee. This protects the knee and improves leverage when extending the leg.
The thigh bone, also known as the femur, is the longest bone in the human body and plays a central role in the musculoskeletal system. The femur forms the upper part of the leg and supports the weight of the entire body. It helps the body to stand upright and enables locomotion. The femur also forms the connection to the pelvis and knee joint.
The tibia bears a large part of the body weight and transfers it from the thigh to the foot. Together with the thigh bone (femur) it forms the knee joint and together with the ankle bone (fibula) the upper and lower ankle joint. It is also an important component of the knee joint and contributes to the stability and mobility of the knee.
The fibula, also known as the fibula, is the narrower of the two bones in the lower leg. Compared to the tibia, the larger bone in the lower leg, the fibula does not have the same load-bearing function, but it still plays a supporting role by contributing to the stability of the knee
The knee contains two cartilage discs called menisci (inside and outside). The menisci act as shock absorbers and help to stabilize the joint.
These ligaments are located inside the knee joint and cross over each other to provide stability. For example, the anterior cruciate ligament prevents the lower leg from sliding too far forward, while the posterior cruciate ligament prevents it from sliding backwards.
Various muscles and tendons, such as the quadriceps muscle at the front and the ischiocrural muscles at the back, are arranged around the knee and enable the joint to move.
These small fluid-filled pockets serve as sliding surfaces and reduce friction between the bones, tendons and muscles.
The correct function of the knee depends on many factors. Injuries, overuse or age-related changes often make everyday life more difficult for those affected, as they have to contend with restricted movement and severe pain.
Once your knee is injured, it takes a lot of perseverance and discipline to return to your usual freedom of movement. If knee pain or problems persist, it is important to see a doctor to get an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. I – Dr. Martin Gruber – have years of experience in sports medicine and will do my best to help you return to a pain-free life.